Section: New Results

Automated Test

Participants : Mingsong Chen, Haifeng Gu, Xinqian Zhang.

Under the increasing complexity together with the time-to-market pressure, functional validation is becoming a major bottleneck of smart applications running on mobile platforms (e.g., Android, iOS).Unlike traditional software, smartphone applications are reactive and GUI (Graphical User Interface) intensive. The execution of smartphone applications heavily relies on the interactions with users. Manual GUI testing is extremely slow and unacceptably expensive in practice. However, the lack of formal models of user behaviors in the design phase hinders the automation of GUI testing (i.e., test case generation and test evaluation). While thorough test efforts are required to ensure the consistency between user behavior specifications and GUI implementations, few of existing testing approaches can automatically utilize the design phase information to test complex smartphone applications. Based on UML activity diagrams, we propose an automated GUI testing framework called ADAutomation, which supports user behavior modeling, GUI test case generation, and post-test analysis and debugging. The experiments using two industrial smartphone virtual prototypes demonstrate that our approach [16] can not only drastically reduce overall testing time, but also showed to improve the quality of designs.